The body’s tissues include bone, skin, heart valves, connective tissue and veins. Organs include the heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines, pancreas and liver.
Making the commitment to donate differs from state to state. Visit RegisterMe.org to find out how to become a donor.
Your family members make the final decision about donation if you have not registered your wishes to donate. Talking about donation does not mean talking about death. Talking about donation is talking about life. It is discussing the opportunity to leave a legacy through helping others, while also making sure your family knows your wishes, too.
There is no cost to donor families for donation. Families pay only for medical care provided to the donor before death and for the donor’s funeral expenses.
No. Donation does not interfere with funeral or burial arrangements, including open-casket viewings. Also, donation does not affect the timing of the funeral or burial arrangements. Please watch this video to learn more about how Legacy Donor Services Foundation works with funeral homes to honor loved ones.
Yes. Specific tissues may be donated and others excluded, depending on the wishes of the donor or the donor’s family.
No. The Gift of Life can be given at any age. The donor’s general health and physical condition are taken into consideration, and tissue from any donor is tested and evaluated to determine its usability.
Donation for research or education are additional options. Universities, medical centers and biotechnology companies are in need of human cells, tissues and organs. Research and education are instrumental in promoting scientific advances and improving patient care in many medical fields including biochemistry, cardiology, ophthalmology and transplantation.
All major religions support donation as a compassionate expression of generosity and love. During the National Donor Sabbath (observed each November), religious leaders discuss donation in sermons and classes.
No. The National Organ Transplant Act makes it illegal to sell human organs and tissues. The law does allow recovery organizations to charge reasonable fees to cover costs incurred during the recovery process.
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Legacy Donor Services Foundation provides volunteer outreach and educational programs across Florida. Become a part of our community and support our mission by coming to one of our events or contacting us to become a volunteer. If you are a transplant recipient or would like more information about donation, be sure to connect with us through social media.
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